I love this pig! More than you can ever imagine! It has lazy eye! (it gets more obvious when you see it BIG in the stores, and I think it is amazing because the eyes are even more unequal in real life. I badly want to meet the designer who made this pig.) This is the cheap grocery store that was around the corner from the apartment. The pig is happy because you're saving money and I suppose you're also giving them money too, much like a Walmart low cost business model, but with a BENIGN LOOKING LAZY EYE PIG!!!!!! I am a sucker for cute and ridiculous animals.
(Aside) Feast your eyes on this ridiculousness! Moo-maid of Zennor ice cream in Cornwall. No one can resist a moo-maid. INDEED THEY CANNOT:

So at Bonus, there were isles and isles of house brand produce. Wonky pigs on everything! On meat! On Bread! All over! I was overcome with joy. Sometimes when the printing was a little off, especially on more delicate (cheap) packaging, the wonky eye discrepancy was even more apparent. I bought some Bonus bread to make sandwiches with because it was the cheapest, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the bread was laden with seeds and was really very tasty.
I also bought a carton of eggs that I stupidly didn't take a picture of (it had a picture of an enthusiastic chicken's head on it), and made the CREAMIEST scrambled eggs I have ever had. They were so buttery smooth even though I didn't put any butter in them.
Also in my grocery haul was some ham and bacon cream cheese (very creamy. very hammy.) Different types of yogurt, skyr, ham, some blue lagoon colored ice cream bars and a bag of coffee (for emergency brewing). Check out these pork products:

Yessssss, scientific diagrams to compel you to eat more ham, bacon and salami in perfect proportions. Most excellent. (Thanks Roboppy for pointing this out! I would have totally missed this even though I had two packets of of it in the fridge.)
I am sad that I was only in Iceland for a whirlwind 4 1/2 days, and would loved to have explored all the bounty that Bonus had to offer, starting with the assortment of very curious milk (I didn't understand a word of what was on the milk cartons, so I picked the ones with dancing blue and purple stick figure children on the box and figured if it must be safe for doodling children, it must be safe for me).

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