Alright, vacation pause! I'm interrupting my own vacation sequence as well. I had to be in DC shortly after I got back from my trip. I didn't even have time to catch my breath. I was pretty clueless and all I knew was that I needed to be somewhere downtown and not screw up and end up in murder zipcode of America. I'm usually prepared for things like this. After getting lost for 4 hours in French Canadian speaking (not even my superb Franglais could help me) Canadian wilderness at midnight has made me an excellent map reader and trip planner.
Enter Laura
"Just follow my map and you cannot go wrong":

My friend Laura (our families have been friends since forever) was amazing! She was super busy with work but let me stay with her on such short notice and even printed out and marked up maps of the area especially for food, even marked out the bus route with APPROXIMATE STOPS. and threw in a bus timetable as well. I promised to do the same for Pamplemousse a year ago, and she's come and gone and it's still a work in progress :( oh the shame. (but in my defense, I went overboard and it was 70 pages long...yes...all 70 pages about where to eat in New York.)
The eating map Laura made was indispensable. I would've found everything by wandering around, but she took the brains out of even that, marking out food joints and rating them. I didn't waste my time with "mediocre cupcakes" and caught my breath at the very empty Freer-Sackler museum.
Then there was Tryst.

Animal crackers with my coffee?! How adorable is that! I spent too much time at Tryst, snuggling into well snuggled couches with my laptop and exceeding my self imposed caffeine restriction. How....hipster of me. Don't judge!
Anyway, Tryst was right next to Madam's Organ (the neighborhood was called Adams Morgan)

Her map really made my week and when I go back to DC, I'm definitely checking out the Cowgirl Creamery...mmmmm jamon iberico.....mmmm
I like the part that marks out "slightly sketchy"
and "supergay"
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