Food philosophy?
If it's not bolted down to the ground, has 2, 4 or 8 legs, EAT IT.
If you were a vegetable, what would you be?
Something in season!
Favourite cuisine(s)?
If there was one cuisine I could eat for the rest of my life, it would have to be Japanese food. There's a meal for when you're sick, for when you're well, for when you want to induce a heart attack, or if you want to be super healthy.
Last meal before the electric chair?
STEAK. With seasonal vegetables. And then Skyr with berries. And then some homemade ice cream.
Signature drink?
Coffee – any form of it except instant.
Kitchen Gadget you can't live without?
Kitchenaid mixer! What can't it do! (other than boil rice) It makes ice cream, cookies, muffins, cupcakes, cakes, pancakes, beats eggs, makes bread, rolls pasta, juices oranges, stuffs sausages!
edit: Can I pick 2 gadgets? I just realised that the mixer can't brew coffee.....
Foodie Trends that Irk You?
This HAS to be molecular gastronomy. I might as well shave some pencils and boil them down to a pulp and spread it on the plate and call it something preposterous like cedar emulsion with edible granite dust. I also cannot stand dishes served with foam. If we were meant to eat foam, sea foam would've made an appearance in restaurants long ago. My parents ate at a restaurant where they served a 'potato elixir' – I am suspicious of any place that serves an ELIXIR and expects to be taken seriously. My mother said that she suspected it was the water from boiled potato skins. Who knew I was pouring money and potato elixir down the sink when I boil potatoes for mashed potatoes?!
Secret Guilty Pleasure?
Buying cheese and hiding it at the back of the fridge.
Anything you don't eat?
Shellfish unfortunately! (allergic reasons, not religious reasons)
I do not eat anything that isn't sustainable (Chilean sea bass, any fish that has been over fished, endangered animals. But I will happily eat shark's fin, endangered shark or not, because if I don't eat the shark, the shark will eat me...and I do like to surf sometimes, so this is more of a safety precaution). I'm also not sure if I'd eat brains or intestines. And as a general rule, I try not to eat anything that contains ingredients I can't pronounce.
Celebrity Chef crush?
I love a charming grumpy...and Anthony Bourdain makes me laugh.
Your Idea of Foodie Heaven?
Living next to a small farm with delicious produce. My friend Christine said that my fridge looked like a suburban housewife's, full of homemade goodness.
How About Foodie Hell?
Big Agriculture Farming. Processed foods. High fructose corn syrup, modified starch, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils and their friends. Ingredients that I can't pronounce. Also, non fat milk products (excluding skyr).
Favourite food blog (other than The Mousse and the Pamplemousse)?
The Girl Who Ate Everything
How would you describe Pamplemousse's Foodie Personality?
Pamplemousse is the unsuspectingly small foodie with the BIG STOMACH. She packs away a lot of food very quietly and quickly when everyone else isn't looking. She seems to be very dainty, but is actually a carnivorous meatarian, with a a soft spot for HOT SAUCE and can also make a mean drink and a sweet salad.
What would you do as your most diehard Foodie act?
Just like guerilla gardeners that go around doing a social good by ripping out over planting or pruning trees at the dead of the night, I think I might go around at night conducting organized midnight raids of fake food, food containing corn syrup, food containing mystery ingredients, other bad stuff and hold a public burning.
When Asked To Do A Project..
1 week ago
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