I've been eating the same old same old when it comes to salad. Either an intense heirloom tomato and mozzarella salad or my first love, avocado corn and black bean salad. Or salad with guacamole, salad with red onion, blueberries and cucumber. I'm running of of salad ideas and have been saving my tomatoes for something special. I rummaged around in my kitchen and pulled out a recipe for corn and peach salsa and realised that I could make a Fridge Raid salad, which is a salad made entirely with contents from my fridge. This type of salad concept is very appealing to me.
I cut these proportions down to a two person serving and it calls for
2 peaches
1 ear of corn
1 quarter red onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
a good handful of mint or a good handful of basil, or both
miscellaneous blueberries (optional)
half a lime
half a jalapeno pepper
Chop the peaches, onion, mint and jalapeno, squeeze with lime, toss and set aside. Saute the garlic and after taking the corn off the cob, throw them in with some butter until the corn gets tasty and golden. Mix in with peach bowl and serve over greens (or eat with crackers) and sprinkle blueberries on top. No dressing required!
A couple of days back, the New York Times did an article about 101 different salads. Enjoy!
I was thinking today about making an artichoke potato salad - marinated artichoke hearts with juice for the dressing, boiled potatoes, and boiled egg. Ham or bacon for a meat option.
I am on an artichoke kick.
P.S. You are getting to be a very talented food photographer.
with whole grain mustard tooooo?????
I thought of that too, sounds yum!
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