Grumpy invited me over for breakfast last week for pannncakes and a delicious time. I brought some orange juice and stinky cheese (Gres des Vosges) It is incredibly stinky. It is actually supremely stinky. But its bark is worse than its bite..it is light, creamy and tastes a little yeasty, like beer.
Perfect fluffy rising pancakessss...one on each burnerrrrr. They were light and delicate and delicious.
I can't really go a week without having pancakes. It's like I'm on a timer – not the compulsive caffeine frenzy routine every morning to avert a headache and minor mood disasters, but more like a flip of a switch and the swift automated assemblage of dry ingredients and dairy early on Sunday mornings.
I invited Melissa over for brunch and decided when my feet hit the floor that I wanted to make blueberry sauce to go with chocolate chip pancakes.
(Melissa's romper matched my chair)

So I went to the farmer's market opposite the low income housing in the lower 90s on 1st Ave. I was horrified. Whoooooooooooooo in their RIGHT MIND charges $2 a head of garlic when you're trying to sell to sell to people who probably can't afford to pay that much for some garlic. Even I am unwilling to pay $2 for garlic. Are you CRAZY Norwich Meadows Farm? And $5 for half a pint of raspberries is outrageous. Think about who you're selling to. I ignored the farm stands and went across the street and bought 2 pints of the most legit blueberries I could find in the store.
Anyway. Melissa brought the orange juice and we had some lemon curd biscuits, while the blueberry sauce stood by. I poached some eggs. Fished out some roasted beets from the fridge. Made some toast. And some coffee. And tea.

I adapted the pancake mix and blueberry sauce from Ask Aida. She says to use 1 1/2 cups of blueberries and 1 cup of maple syrup. No wonder type 2 diabetes rampant. I used a pint of blueberries and probably about an eighth of a cup of maple syrup (maybe a little more) and simmered it until it was thick and luscious. She also calls for half a cup of melted butter into the pancake mix, which I also think is questionable. I put in probably about 1 1/2 tablespoons of butter and used some whole wheat flour.

They were a little more cakey and thicker than Grumpy's, but still as delicious. Every pancake is different and special. I loooove pancakes. It totally made up for my failed spätzle experiment which yielded delicious spätzle, but I ended up with dough all over the stove, all over the sink, all over different pots and all over myself. It was a right mess. So were these chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes, but at least it was a result of eating and not in the making process.

The blueberry massacre. Delicious sauce.
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