I picked these blueberries with my friend TJ when we drove up to Boston last weekend. We saw bunny rabbits hopping through the bushes and got bitten by a zillion mosquitoes, but we brought back pints of blueberries and raspberries.
I think I was visited in the night by the Patron Saint of Pancakes after a case of pancake envy at brunch the day before. What to do with the pint of pick your own blueberries from last weekend's bounty? MAKE PANCAKES IMMEDIATELY.
So this is usually how it goes: I wake up on the weekends and have a chat with my mixer and see what both of us can whip up. Then I share secrets and whisper sweet nothings into its stainless steel bowl.
Then I forage for ingredients in my overground lair, also known as my suburban housewife's abyss.
So this is my pancake dilemma. What mix should I use? I hate Aunt Jemima maple syrup because it is all corn syrup and corn syrup and I have deep seated ethical issues with corn syrup. The whole wheat pancake mix though, is pretty darn good. The fluffy pancake mix from whole foods fluffs up a whole lot more, but doesn't taste as good. Should I just bite the bullet and make evvvvvvverything from scratch? Are scratch made pancakes better than premix?
P.S. The Knoll Crest Farm eggs and Ronnybrook milk (cows are offspring of "prize winning Holsteins") are delicious. I try to buy good milk and eggs because it does make a difference, nutritional value for money-wise. I would also be leery of eating cake batter if it contained suspicious eggs from a suspicious source. This is from the Ronnybrook website:
Michael Pollen, writing in the New York Times Magazine on 2004 stated that “organic” used to represent a set of values, good stewardship of the earth, and a commitment to the health of its creatures, rather than a marketing concept used by agri-giants.” Here at Ronnybrook, we try to live by those values.
I don't really trust the USDA certified organic products because I think it is a big marketing ploy and it is a waste of money to get certified to prove you operate your farm in a responsible and safe way. This is often not the case even in organic farms, especially organic mega-farms. Lovely capitalist America. The word organic means nothing to me.
Annnnyway, abracadabra:
I used the premix which is just a one to one ratio of mix and milk and an egg. BUTTER you pan first – this makes a world of difference. Then, put the pancake batter into the pan – do not mix your fixin's in. Lowwwwww heat. Then sprinkle on the blueberries and chocolate chips. Flip it, cook it and eat it, there's really nothing more to it!
I had mine with fresh whipped cream and maple syrup.
adorable. I like your supercute 1950's housewife outfit.
I don't approve of the mixes.
sooooo sorry Grumpy. I'll be there on Tuesday morning to make from scratch. I'm out of mix anyhow...heh heh.
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