Sunday, February 20, 2011

Be still my heart....

I couldn't resist. Near valentines day, I sent for a Cheese Heart. It was on sale at Murrays Cheese as well as some adorable jars of rose petal confit. I'm not one to observe this occasion, but it was too cute and the disappearance of my other love (monte enebro) from most cheese retailers around here was enough to push me to the brink of purchase. In my very vulnerable state, all I needed was something (ANYTHING! brunch, pigeons....garbage??!!) to remind me of NYC and I'd go on a virtual Murray's Cheese binge.

Speedily, the Cheese Heart arrived. My human heart raced. Momentarily distracted by the Monte Enebro and dried sour cherries, the Cheese Heart waited patiently in the cheese drawer.

The rind was incredibly velvety and pillowy. The label said that it was a natural for Valentine's Day" In fact, the whole eating experience of this cheese was like a great first date. It looked appealing. It wasn't overpowering, but it was firm (not a pushover). It was buttery smooth. Almost mild, but had enough complexity to hold your interest enough to want more.

1 comment:

Pamplemousse said...

I love that your Valentine`s was spent between you and food.