Bacon, until not so long ago was just another strip of tasty food. I'll admit to happily chowing down on unhealthy amounts of bacon. My favourite bagel is the most sacrilegious thing you could eat if you were Jewish – a bacon cream cheese bagel. Then mmmm...breakfast at Granma's...crispy bacon and her version of French toast which she called Bombay toast, but i'm not exactly sure why and if there as such a concoction in Bombay. Whatever it was, I liked saying Bombay toast because it felt flamboyant, like the mixture of eggs, milk and sugar would blow up in my face.
I digress.
Anyway, bacon has gained popularity in recent years to some sort of cult status. Even the anti-Scientologists are using bacon as a bribe. On my birthday, my coworkers gave me a bunch of bacon paraphernalia – a bacon wallet, bacon bandaids, a bacon folder and mini plastic pigs. My other coworker sent me links to a bacon scarf and a bacon alarm clock. Suddenly bacon was everywhere. At the farmers market, signs for "Seriously good bacon" and boards with a piece of bacon hanging in front of a spiral – bacon hypnosis.
Bacon bacon bacon bacon. Suddenly its cool to like bacon? But I've been a serious follower and avid consumer of bacon since childhood, not causing that much of a ruckus, sprawled out on the floor proclaiming my undying love for a strip of crispy pork. Does this mean that bacon will become passe? It's a little like people who feel like their neighborhoods have been invaded by flocks of tourists – I just want to eat some bacon without all the hooha. I don't need bacon muffins, bacon ice cream, bacon chocolate. I don't need a new age reinterpretation of bacon – I just want some bacon in my cream cheese bagel.