Oh and did I tell you? Garden anarchy (i.e. my reckless disregard for the Institution of Gardening Rules) won a hefty point this Spring - nature has her plan - the rain has repeatedly taken out all my carefully re-spaced baby lettuces (which has meant regular replacement of displaced soil and endless transplant experiments for me (i.e. endless toil!).

On the other hand, my big messy row of seedlings (that any Good Gardener would have dismissed as future compost) has positively flourished with no need for human interference. Those crowded roots are what helped the lettuce stem the torrential tides of a wet, stormy young New Brunswick summer. The lettuce is probably growing a little slower than well-spaced lettuce protected from the elements, but -- they are all green and sun-kissed still (Despite the crowding!) and look happier than anything else in the garden.
Turns out trusting in Ma Nature was the right thing. Every day I learn from B's naturally Zen attitude to life (and gardening!) - he never worried once; all while I fretted incessantly over lettuce babies and puzzled over the correct thinning practices. He knew it would work out all along, just as he always trusts that things will. He's my rock in torrential Spring rains.

Thank you my dear! <3

mmm i want some sun kissed lettuce! what kinds have you got? looks like a nice yummy medley!
my regards to your garden :D sehr schön!
You know, I should have saved the seed packet away somewhere safe and instead I left it under a rock to mark the row and the rain destroyed it. It's a mesclun mix and I think I remember seeing some buttercrunch, lemon basil, and red romaine (?) on the packet label but I can't remember the rest! Will have to do some photo referencing for you soon!
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