my quick fix spring meal has been this asparagus pasta which is nothing but pasta, a little creme fraiche for a fake sauce and then lottttts of Parmesan. 2 bunches from the farmer market on Saturday is plenty asparagus for the week.
BUT, onto bread and more bread. the weather has been surprisingly forgiving for late may. usually by this time I have given up on all food except salad or a quick pasta, limiting all stove use to 15 minutes and prohibiting any food that needs an oven. I probably should be eating more salad, but until I have no appetite left for food because of extreme heat, I probably won't have an appetite for salad.
Just the other day I was having a burger with a friend and was asked if I wanted a salad, fries or onion rings. taking into account my quick fix asparagus pasta earlier, I winced HARD and said salad as my friend laughed in absolute disgust. my burger arrived with more vegetables than meat and plate combined, unruly leaves overspilling the edges like some green monster from the wild, never ending and continuous, threatening the small stack of lettuce, onion, pickle and tomato on the side. i had neglected to consider a burger's core constituents! which, between two buns and a piece of meat (yikes) was a salad in itself! I looked longingly at the onion rings across the table. The ruffles of mesclun were mocking me.
It was way, way too early to be eating that many raw vegetables. It'll be a few more loaves of bread and grilled asparagus yet before I go on guacamole overdrive, and embark on the serious mission to eat a differernt salad everyday.
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