I'll admit it, I have farmer's market snobbery. It first started when I bundled home some carrots that looked too good to pass up. I'd never liked carrots, ever. But for some reason I thought that maybe this would be the day I might be converted. I sat in my kitchen looking despairingly at the large bunch of carrots. There was NO WAY I could eat them all. I thought maybe I could pawn some off to my friends after I had a nibble. Apprehensively, I took a small bite...then I gorged on carrots of the rest of the weekend like a rabid rabbit.
Very soon, the only thing that I bought regularly at he grocery store was pasta sauce. And pasta. Over the weekend I made a quick fix faux pasta sauce with heirloom tomatoes and fresh pasta from Knoll Crest farms. Now I swear never to buy anything from the grocery store except dishwashing liquid.
I've also noticed that my pile of plastic bags accumulated over the years has been dwindling. I've also been reprimanded by my friend for having so much plastic (not really that much) stick out of reusable grocery bag (oddly enough, from Steve Madden) So now I'm doing away with plastic bags as well.
I make my own apple sauce, lemon curd and pasta sauce. I've adopted a mentality that if its not homemade from scratch, its not worth eating. Slowly, I'm eating more brunch at home and only eating out at Shabu Shabu. Have I turned into a crunchy hippy? Should I take my birkenstocks and eco friendly clothing and move to Portland?
I had a little bit of a heart attack when Whole Foods wrapped my slab of Monte Enebro semi soft cheese TIGHTLY IN SARAN WRAP. WHAT IS THIS? I demanded that it be re-wrapped in cheese paper. They said they didn't have any. I wanted to hurl. They charge $24 a pound for this cheese and can't package it properly? If you can't package it right, I don't think you should be allowed to sell it. First overpriced wilty tasteless carrots and now this cheese packaging faux pas, Whole Foods is on my shitlist. I know my friends at Cooking Broke share a similar disdain towards Whole Foods.
Easy Homemade Chicken Meatballs
21 hours ago